Home > Newsletters

If you want to keep up-to-date with the Canadian BFRB Support Network, our content, the virtual support group, and more, we encourage you to sign up for one (or more!) of our newsletters. Here are the current newsletter options.

The BFRB Blurb

A newletter featuring BFRB stories, tips & tricks, news and more, sent right to your inbox.
Frequency: Hiatus

Updates & Events

Want to know when CBSN is having an event or when we’ll be somewhere? Subscribe to this newsletter!
Frequency: n/a

BFRB Support Groups

Learn about how to take part in BFRB peer support meetings and when they are. This newsletter includes CBSN meetings as well as meetings hosted by others in the BFRB community. Occasionally, professional opportunities are also available.
Frequency: Monthly

Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/dkskUP