Home > Beauty Talk > 13 Hairstyles for Trich Hair Loss (Ungendered)

Feeling good about yourself is something that most everyone strives for, and when you have trichotillomania, that can often be a challenge because of bald spots, thinning, and hair loss. Getting a new haircut or being able to achieve a certain hairstyle can be a boost of confidence, but trich can make it feel like the options are limited. You may find yourself wondering what you can do with your hair to disguise the damage while still being stylish. That’s where this list of 13 hairstyles for trich hair loss comes in.

This list is for all people with trich, regardless of your gender identity, and focus on how to work with your existing hair.

  1. Buzz cut
    Quite literally, a buzz cut is a buzz cut because this cut is achieved with clippers rather than scissors. It’s a close-cut haircut that leaves you with a short amount of hair on your head.
  2. Crew cut
    A crew cut is shorter on the sides with a bit of length on top of your head that’s styled to stand upright. This can be useful if you pull at the sides of your head.
  3. Razor shave
    Just like it sounds, a razor shave is a full, down-to-the-scalp shave. It can be daunting, but can be a popular choice for people with bald spots and hair that’s already short because it leaves you with no head hair to pull.
  4. Fades
    It turns out there are several different kinds of fades: taper fades, skin fades, and temple fades to name a few. The gist of this hairstyle is that the hair fades from short near the hairline to longer on the top of your head.
  5. Slicked back
    This style is useful for receding hairlines and involves your brush or comb, some product, and then brushing or combing the hair backwards. It can help draw attention away from the hairline where pulling may have taken place.
  6. Comb over
    A comb over can help give the appearance of more volume on top of your head as you literally comb the hair from one side of your head over top to the other.
  7. Pixie cut
    A pixie cut is a popular choice in the BFRB community. This haircut in characterized by short hair on the back and sides with a bit of length on top with very short bangs. This style works because it gives you the opportunity to wear it in a bit of a messier style or neater if you’d like and the texture can hide some balding. The shortness of the hair also directs the attention to your face and eyes instead of the hair itself.
  8. Different parts
    Parting your hair differently is fairly self-explanatory. If you have balding or thinning on the top of your head, then changing your part to a side part could benefit you.
  9. Bob cut
    Bobs can add volume to your hair, especially if you add layers. Because a bob is a shorter cut, it doesn’t weigh the hair down and can conceal spots that might be seen otherwise.
  10. Layers/texture
    Many of the hairstyles mentioned can fall under this category. Layers and textures to your hair can give it new dimension and shape it differently to draw eyes away from thinning or balding or disguise it entirely. Layers around the face can help with receding hairlines, for instance, or layers can give your hair some style and lightness to prevent it from being weighed down against your scalp.
  11. Bangs
    Bangs can be useful for disguising and hiding hair loss around the front of your face and hairline. They can be tricky to get right, but when you do, they can make a difference.
  12. Loose braids
    The key here is “loose” braid. A tight braid may reveal the spots you’re trying to hide, depending on where they are, but a loose braid can work like a loose hair style, but still offer some of the tied-back qualities that you might look for, especially in warmer weather.
  13. Ponytail
    It’s no secret that there are tons of ways to do ponytails. Loose, tight, high, low, side—and more. It’s definitely worth exploring to see if there’s a ponytail style that works for you.


Don’t let trich limit you when it comes to styling with your hair. Although your hair might not be exactly as you’d like it, trying new styles may result in you finding a new favourite while rebuilding your confidence. And this list is only the tip of the iceberg. A professional hairstylist should be able to work with you further to find a style that works for your face and hair type and to meet your preferences. Our BFRB Friendly Hairstylists page has a list of hairstylists that are familiar with BFRBs like trichotillomania who can work with you discreetly and sensitively.

What hairstyles are your favourites? Did we miss one that you like? Feel free to share in the comments.

*Disclaimer: Note that while the stock images chosen generally adhere to traditional gender standards, the aim of them is to show an example of the style of the hair, not who they “should” be for.

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